Community Dental Care will provide free services for children from low‐income families who don’t have access to dental care. Appointments are limited. Please note: Every child must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian and must have an appointment in advance. Sorry, walk-in care is not available.
Additionally, parents/legal guardians may call United Way 211 or 800-543-7709 for information about other local participating dental office. A list of clinics will also be posted at
“Give Kids a Smile” is coordinated statewide by the Minnesota Dental Association, and nationwide by the American Dental Association Foundation, whose members are dedicated to making sure all children’s smiles are the picture of health. Give Kids A Smile remains a critical piece of the ADA’s Action for Dental Health, a nationwide, community-based movement aimed at ending the dental health crisis facing America today. It is designed to address the dental health crisis in three distinct areas: 1. Provide care now to people who are suffering from untreated disease; 2. Strengthen and expand the public/private safety net; and 3. Bring disease prevention and education into communities.